How to keep score in tennis and why is it dome that way?

How to keep score in tennis and why is it dome that way?
Mar 3 2023 Theodore Courtland

Tennis is a popular sport that can be enjoyed by players of all ages, levels, and backgrounds. Although the game is primarily focused on having fun, it also has an important competitive element. It is important to understand how to keep score in tennis in order to accurately track progress and competition.

The most basic concept behind tennis scoring is that each point is worth one point. A point is awarded when the player who served the ball wins the point. The first player to win four points wins the game. The most popular way to keep score in tennis is known as "love all," which is a score of 0-0.

The most important thing to remember when keeping score in tennis is that each point has a significance. Points can be awarded in three different ways: by winning the point after the opponent has served, by winning the point after having served, or by winning the point after a double fault. When a point is won after an opponent has served, the score is called “15.” When the point is won after a player has served, it is called “30.” Finally, when the point is won after a double fault, it is called “40.”

In order to win a game, a player must have a two-point advantage. This means that if the score is tied at 40-40, a player must win two consecutive points in order to win the game. If the score is tied at deuce (40-40), the next point will be called “advantage.” If the player who is ahead wins the next point, he or she will win the game. If the player who is behind wins the next point, the score reverts back to deuce and the game continues.

The scoring system in tennis is designed to be fair and balanced. It keeps the game competitive and exciting, while also providing an opportunity for players to test their skills against each other. Understanding how to keep score in tennis is an important step in becoming a successful player. So, take the time to understand the basics and you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the game of tennis.

Keeping score in tennis is a complicated but important part of the game. It is essential to understand the different ways of scoring in tennis and why they are used. This blog post will provide an in-depth look at tennis scoring and provide tips on how to keep track of points.

The Basics of Tennis Scoring

In tennis, one point is scored for each shot that is won. A game consists of four points (15, 30, 40, game). A set is won when a player has won at least six games, with a margin of two games. A match is won when a player has won best two out of three sets. The tie-break is used in the final set when the score is 6-6. In a tie-break, the first player to reach seven points (with a margin of two points) wins the match.

How to Keep Score in Tennis

Keeping score in tennis is rather simple. All you need to do is keep track of the number of points won by each player. You can do this by either using a scorecard or a scoring system. For example, a scorecard can be used to write down the points won by each player at the end of each game. Alternatively, a scoring system can be used to keep track of the score at each point in the game.

Why is Tennis Scored this Way?

The scoring system in tennis is designed to make the game more exciting and competitive. By having a system that gives points for each shot won, it encourages players to remain focused and engaged throughout the match. The tie-break system also ensures that the match ends in a timely manner and avoids long, drawn-out games. Ultimately, the scoring system in tennis is designed to make the game as fair and exciting as possible.


In conclusion, keeping score in tennis is essential for understanding the game and tracking progress. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can easily keep track of points and ensure that the game is played fairly and according to the rules. Hopefully this blog post has provided a helpful overview of tennis scoring and how to keep track of points.

Tennis is a popular sport, played by millions of people around the world. Knowing how to keep score in the game is essential for all players, from professional athletes to recreational players. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of tennis scoring and the benefits that come with knowing the rules.

Basic Rules for Tennis Scoring

Tennis is typically played in a best-of-three or best-of-five sets format. In each set, the first player to win 6 games wins the set. If the players are tied at 6 games each, they play a tiebreaker. The tiebreaker is played until one player has won 7 points, with a two-point difference. The player who wins the set is awarded one point in the overall match.

The winner of the match is the player who wins the most sets. In a best-of-three match, the first player to win two sets is the winner. In a best-of-five match, the first player to win three sets is the winner.

Benefits of Knowing the Rules

Knowing the rules of tennis scoring helps players better understand the game. Being able to keep score accurately helps players to recognize their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their opponents', and makes it easier for players to adjust their strategies accordingly. Additionally, knowing the rules can help players to stay focused and motivated, as they can keep track of how close they are to winning the match.

Keeping score in tennis also helps players to appreciate the history and tradition of the game. Since the rules of tennis scoring have been in place for centuries, understanding the scoring system gives players an appreciation for the sport and its long history.


Knowing the rules of tennis scoring is key for all players, from professional athletes to recreational players. Understanding the rules and benefits of tennis scoring can help players to stay focused and motivated, as well as appreciate the history and tradition of the game. By following this guide, you will be able to keep score accurately and have a better understanding of the game.